
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rainbow Time

I've always had a thing for rainbows. Maybe its because I have an insane love for color, color and more coworker recently compared my clothing choice to that of the dynamic Punky Brewster...but I think it is more deeply seeded in the fact that rainbows symbolize hope. and a promise of a different way of life.

For the past little while, I have found myself sinking a little bit into the dreary. I am by nature an extremely positive person, always finding the silver lining in everyday life. And while I find I still do that for others, I no longer seem to find that special glint in my own life. It is like a big old poopy raincloud came along, and before I knew it, took permanent residence above my head. I've sat down on the stoop in my water soaked clothes and watched the downpour wash away my sidewalk chalk pictures of joy, happiness and spontaneity, until all that is left is gray concrete and ankle deep puddles.

So in the spirit of New Year's resolutions (gag me! I hate them), I am attempting for my own sanity and spirit, to find my rainbow each day. Hence the title of this blog (and my deepest apologies to Rufus Wainwright for ripping off the name of his biography. whoops?). I want to be intentional each day to find something that brings me hope, that speaks to my soul and makes me want to throw on my pink polka dot galoshes and splash in the puddles of my own personal raincloud. It is my time to find my color again and feel the hope that it brings. Because there will be rainbows.

So clever.


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