
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Random Rainbows

Again, I am just a little behind :)

Thursday: I have never been one to exercise religiously; I generally go really strong for like 2 weeks and then take about a year hiatus and start the process all over again. However, I think I have finally found the magic workout...Zumba Zumba Zumba! Its so fun, I sweat, and time just flies. I think it really helps that my bestie is the instructor so that motivates me to go, as well as the fact that my mom and sister typically come. Its just good time.

And this week, my wonderful friend Kelsey surprised me afterwards and sent a little love my way...Rockstar and Twix. Hollar. So sweet and thoughtful!

Friday: The doggie brought a little rainbow to my afternoon on Friday...I should preface this by saying that this dog has no social boundaries and he gets away with murder. One of his favorite things to do is have heavy make-out sessions (with tongue) which to any normal person is widely awkward and slightly inappropriate to do with a dog. But he loves it...and is really strong, so when he pins me down, I really do not have a choice :) Anyways, for whatever insane reason, I was watching Titanic (what a debby-downer movie) and I started singing the theme song to Koopa...which prompted him to drop everything, pin me to the couch and attack me with his tongue. So I'd stop singing...he'd jump off the couch, but the moment I would start again, WHOOSH!, back to the couch he'd run and start the process all over. I still am not sure if he was doing that because he was so impressed with my skills or because he desperately wanted me to shut my trap :)

Saturday: This kind of ties into Friday as well, but I attended a conference at a church this weekend with my mom and sister and, although some content was difficult to process and such, it was something I really needed to hear. It was all on loving well - not only others, but also yourself. Its amazing how if we do not love ourselves well, we can not love others well. A lot to sort through, but well worth going

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

a dreary rainbow

I know the whole point of finding my bright spot each day is to combat those times when life really starts to get me down....but sometimes it is just really tough to do that. I have been on a pretty emotional rollercoaster for the last week and a half due to life and life happenings. When you are grieving a part of your life or something in your life that is being taken away, its incredibly hard to want to find a positive because everything hurts so bad. I know that maybe I should really push to get myself more positive and more upbeat, but I think it will take me a quick second to shake off the rain.

I do know, that despite this yuck time, I do have subtle rainbows that are always there and never leave me...I have a faith in God who is much bigger than me, and family who loves me unconditionally. They have really stepped up to the plate and given me love in exactly the capacity that I need. I love them and I love that they are my eternal rainbow.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

backlog of rainbow

Because I know myself so well, I KNEW I was going to have a hard time blogging something everyday...I like to think it is because I do not have internet at my apartment, but I know its because I can be such a scatterbrain! So here is a recap of my rainbows from the last few days

THURSDAY - SHAKE IT RAINBOW: Thursday nights = Zumba nights! I have so much stinking fun going to zumba. I am extremely out of shape, which leads to Tomato Face Kelli, but I definitely leave with a huge endorphin high! My friend Kellie is the best instructor and she inspires me to shake what my momma gave me!

FRIDAY - BARGAIN RAINBOW: There is nothing more that I love than a super duper deal. I am dutch, obvi. I had to run some errands at the mall, and on impulse I decided to go into Old Navy....bad idea. Not only did they have insane clearance sales, all clearance items were an additional 40% off...yessssss. I got $80 worth of stuff for $13. A dress in my favorite colors, a sweater that is deliciously warm, and cute slipper boots (for $1.18!)....oh my heart was so happy!

SATURDAY - FOOD RAINBOW: There is a secret gem of a Mexican restaurant that my parents introduced me to that I am obsessed with! I was able to convince my mom, dad and sister to all go for dinner and anytime all 4 of us get together its a little ridic. Good food + good company = good times

SUNDAY - RELAXATION RAINBOW: I was just happy to nap and read all day. Some days we just need those small pleasures

MONDAY - DAY OFF RAINBOW: Happy Martin Luther King, JR Day! I guess that means I have the day off. Holla

TUESDAY - RED PANTS RAINBOW: I have a pair of skinny red jeans and I love them, and I wore them today. It made me happy.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

musical rainbow

Apparently weekends are not good for me and blogger, but never fear, I did look for rainbows all weekend and did find them each day. Its amazing - when I am intentionally looking for positive things, they seem to pop up all over. Its like a little treasure hunt each day.

I decided, as a way to backtrack for my missed days, that I am going to share 6 (the number of days I missed plus today. duh) songs from my most recent burned CD that I am obsessed with. I love music so incredibly much and anytime I download new music and burn new CDs I listen to them excessively and sing my little heart out in my car. These have been my rainbows:

1.) Disappear - Christina Perri...I don't know how I am just listening to her. love her. It seems like every new song I listen to of hers speak right to whatever I am going through at that exact moment.

2.) Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift and The Civil Wars...1.) I love the Civil Wars 2.) I love the Hunger Games trilogy 3.) I tolerate Taylor Swift...this is one of the songs off the Hunger Games soundtrack and its haunting and delicious. It actually makes me want to revise the previous statement to "I love Taylor Swift"

3.) Alone With You - Jake Owen...I'm on a country kick. girl can't help it.

4.) Eve - Misty Miller...This is not my favorite song of hers, but it is the one I happen to put on this cd...and despite that, I still find myself listening to it over. and over. and over. girl can sing.

5.) ABC's - Knaan...listen to it and you will love it too.

6.) The Only One - Hot Chelle Rae...I don't even know who this band is supposed to be, but I guess they are popular now (?). but i like. I'll be trendy if needed.

and there you go. happy listening and happy Wednesday.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

runway rainbow

I love Project Runway. so much

and today was the beginning of the All-Star season.


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

full body rainbow


Today was not the most fabulous day at work. It was one of those days where I needed to clone myself in order to even attempt to get all my work done. Needless to say I was stressed (understatement of the year). So I decided to destress myself in the most wonderful way possible.

I had received a spa gift card this summer, which of course I had lost in the swirling vortex we like to call the backseat of my car. I cleaned it out this weekend and thankfully rediscovered it. This lead to me impulsively scheduling a 50 minute massage for this evening.

best. idea. ever.

like ever.

I spent 50 glorious minutes getting pampered. I am so happy (and also happy that I shaved my legs last night because that could have been a full blown disaster).

My back thanks you Design1 Spa.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

a rainbow in my belly

I stumbled upon what might be the greatest, most delicous gut-rot concoction of all time... One part vanilla shake + one part mountain dew = rainbow in my belly Not recommended for every day consumption because, believe me, it does not really meet the requirements of a well rounded diet, but boy oh boy, it is sure delish going down. It's a marriage made in heaven of two delightful indulgences. Please, on my behalf, enjoy.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Double Rainbow

Well, this is off to a good start...already missed a day. Whoopsies! That just means its gonna be a DOUBLE RAINBOW (what does this mean!? Its so intense) kinda day. Here we go:

Rainbow #1: My little rainbow of happiness that started off the new year has to be the dog. Although (technically) he's not mine, I love this little nugget like he is my own child. We spent most of the day having some cuddle time, watching sports and staying away from the impending winter storm. He has the uncanny ability to love me unconditionally and for that, he is my little rainbow.

Koopa, the (spoiled) little cuddle muffin

Rainbow #2: Officially, this rainbow has yet to happen, but I am branching out tonight and attempting a Zumba class. check back in like 6 hours and I may be rethinking how "rainbowlishish" this venture is, but I am excited for a little change of pace and a chance to shake my booty. And to top it all off, one of my besties teaches the class and my momma is coming with. Let the good times commence.