
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song, and all about you will be beauty. There is a way out of every dark mist, over a rainbow trail" - Robert Motherwell

I like that quote. I carry a printout of rainbow quotes in my planner for when I need inspiration, and I just rediscovered that one and was pleasantly surprised about how it fits right into my journey...although, once again, I have been a bit off on writing about a rainbow each day. In my head, I have decided that millions of people read this each day, and every day that passes without a post, throngs of people are besides themselves with grief, because alas, another day has gone by without a post. So to all the readers I have conjured up in my head, my deepest apologies.

This is going to be a bit non-traditional once again, just because I think its been about a week since the last post and I do not feel like straining my head to remember what happened on what exact day. Call me lazy, but I'm the author and I do want I want :) Today I am going to post 7 things that made me smile in the last 7 days! GET! EXCITED!

1.) Taking showers sitting down: There is nothing more magical then being outside in a warm downpour, and sitting in the shower gives me a brief moment of that love. Plus after I am a little pooped from Zumba, my lazy bones enjoy the relaxing break.

2.) Gramps going to the game: Bless my little grandpa's heart, but he is not the most mobile person. However, in the spirit of basketball, he got out of the house this weekend and I was so excited for him. Two of my cousins play varsity basketball on rival teams, and my Grandpa wanted to see them play. My uncle managed to finagle a special seat for him to sit on and it was so fun to watch him enjoy seeing his grandsons play ball. And not only did Grandpa make it out, but virtually the whole Haverkamp clan made an appearance...I just love my family.

3.) Crafty cardigan: I love to craft and Pinterest in my best friend ever. I found this super easy way to upgrade a plain cardigan with lace, thread and scissors. I generally have grand ambitions to make these amazing projects I envision in my head....but they always seem to end up half done or in a complete disaster. So when this turned out, I was PUMPED!!! Its cute, its crafty, its a completed project!

4.) Zumba Wii: I keep posting about Zumba, but seriously, it is my new love. I had gotten a dance video game for Christmas that I did not want, so I exchanged it for Zumba great, so amazing! I sweat up a storm and kick the dog (on accident) in the head while doing it, but I am just amazed that I finally (finally!) found an exercise I thoroughly enjoy.

5.) Toddlers in tutus: Again, I attempted to craft....this time it was a tutu for my niece...after breaking two needles on the sewing breaking the sewing machine, I gave up and decided to hand sew it and totally make up what I was doing. And it turned out! My sister brought it out to her his weekend (she lives in Colorado) and this is what I got sent back:

too stinking cute

6.) Parker: My friend's baby just turned one this past week, and she asked if I would take (informal) family pictures for her (i.e rapidly clicking pictures with her really nice camera, and her editing the crap out of them). I have to confess that I do not get to her house as much as I should, and little Parker has gotten so big and so cute since last time I have seen him. We got some great pictures of the stud (and his studly parents) and he just melted my little heart. Too cute for his own good

7.) Bowling with boys: My boyfriend had a work party this weekend...which meant the whole factory went bowling. I love bowling. and I love meeting all the people that the boyf talks about from work. He has told some great stories about the shenanigans that go on at work, and now I can actually picture the people, not just nod my head blankly and laugh when it seems appropriate :) Its also so good to see the relationship the boyf has formed with his makes me proud of what a good worker he is


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