
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Random Rainbows

Again, I am just a little behind :)

Thursday: I have never been one to exercise religiously; I generally go really strong for like 2 weeks and then take about a year hiatus and start the process all over again. However, I think I have finally found the magic workout...Zumba Zumba Zumba! Its so fun, I sweat, and time just flies. I think it really helps that my bestie is the instructor so that motivates me to go, as well as the fact that my mom and sister typically come. Its just good time.

And this week, my wonderful friend Kelsey surprised me afterwards and sent a little love my way...Rockstar and Twix. Hollar. So sweet and thoughtful!

Friday: The doggie brought a little rainbow to my afternoon on Friday...I should preface this by saying that this dog has no social boundaries and he gets away with murder. One of his favorite things to do is have heavy make-out sessions (with tongue) which to any normal person is widely awkward and slightly inappropriate to do with a dog. But he loves it...and is really strong, so when he pins me down, I really do not have a choice :) Anyways, for whatever insane reason, I was watching Titanic (what a debby-downer movie) and I started singing the theme song to Koopa...which prompted him to drop everything, pin me to the couch and attack me with his tongue. So I'd stop singing...he'd jump off the couch, but the moment I would start again, WHOOSH!, back to the couch he'd run and start the process all over. I still am not sure if he was doing that because he was so impressed with my skills or because he desperately wanted me to shut my trap :)

Saturday: This kind of ties into Friday as well, but I attended a conference at a church this weekend with my mom and sister and, although some content was difficult to process and such, it was something I really needed to hear. It was all on loving well - not only others, but also yourself. Its amazing how if we do not love ourselves well, we can not love others well. A lot to sort through, but well worth going


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